Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Mari gue elaborasi sedikit kebodohan tipikal ala ulpeng.

Pertama, dari tadi siang gue nyiapin aplikasi sekolah ke Napoli. Nih lagi di bagian deskripsi tesis S1 sama S2, dah ditulis dengan rapih, mendetail dan mendalam. Dimintanya cuma sedikit sih, jadi keiisi 3/4 halaman. Sip.

Ah, liat twitter. Ngebuka halaman blog ubud writer festival. Waduh, kayaknya gak ribet cara ikutnya. Dan tulisannya pendek, cuma 350 kata. Ya udah deh, lagian ada cerita lagi nyetok di kepala, jadi kayaknya bisa kita tulis.

Dan voila, dalam satu jam, selesailah tulisannya. 347 kata. Judulnya, 'Cinta tak menang'. Submit dan tinggal nunggu apa tulisan ini lolos seleksi awal. Sekarang mari balik nyelesein tuh daftar sekolah.

Ups, nih microsoft word habis bikin cerpen barusan gue tutup aja deh. Close (yes). Are you sure? (Yes, I'm sure). Do you want to save changes? (No). Kan udah tadi.

.......Or have I?

Tidakkk!!!! Klik dua kali "Napoli app_ulfah mardhiah", kursor diturunin ke bawah sampe halaman deskripsi tesis....


Ah Rabbi, memang hal beginian gue super dudul yak??


Facebook Down

facebook is down. which became a trending topic in twitter. just wanna write somethings they say in twitter just in case this shall be a historical moment ;)

J0hnB00th Facebook is down. I may not survive

Citizen_Society Facebook going down is the ultimate social experiment - how long will it take before civilisation goes crashingdown too...?

jacky65 Facebook is still down, my crops on FV beter not be dead, lol.

Facebook is down. Suicide rates are through the roof. Twitter. I will never be with anybody but you m'lover.

Artisson #facebook down : la productivité en entreprise monte de 15%

haha... the modern world is such a funny place to look upon :D


first, reasoning behind.

why did i suddenly decide on making, or remaking my blogger website. multiply is fine by me. and i love my notes in facebook. but then again, it seems a little bit less personal. and i can't really say everything on facebook and multiply has lots of details outside of writing, so i want one focus on my favorite subject. writing.

it'll be about songs i love. unfinished short stories (it'll be unfinished, cause it'll be written in pieces depending on my mood). books i've finished. the strange thoughts of finishing a journey. falling out and then back into love. things i feel much much personal to be expressed in a blog rather than facebook.

aah the complexion of modern world. how come writing become so complex? Dickens wouldn't have any of these problems. he'd just write. i'm not gonna waste anymore time not writing these down.

and so i'll do the same. :)

Things You Think

Gotta stop nagging and waiting. Better do something, now! :)